Close To Local Community

The requirements of the Local Community for the smallest possible impact that the operation of the port facilities can have on the daily life of the citizens and on the environment, is a special concern for our company. It is important to note that the port facilities are located at a distance of at least 14 km from a residential area (Astakos town).

Nevertheless, all the choices of the Administration take seriously the above parameters. Participation in the cultural events of various organizations is manifested in the form of sponsorships to support events and local cultural actions.

All of the above indicates that the company's relations with the wider hinterland are very good and are getting stronger over time.



AKARPORT S.A, was founded in 2000 and is the company that manages and administers the port of NAVIPE Platygiali of Astakos. The strategic position of the port, located in the middle of Western Greece and a short distance from the Suez-Gibraltar axis, makes it an important node in the logistics hub of cargo flows between the countries of the European Union and the East, while at the same time it is also a link between the countries of the Adriatic, the Balkans and the Black Sea.

Our Vision

The highlighting of NAVIPE Platygiali port in Astakos into a pioneering and transshipment center, offering competitive and quality services to national and international trade, while creating value for the company's personnel and shareholders.

Our Mission

To facilitate the transportation of goods by bringing the supply chain of the wider area in which the port operates, into the new era. To promote the economic and social well-being of the parties involved, taking into consideration the environment and the philosophy of the green development.

Our Values

Quality and consistency regarding the portfolio of the services provided, respect for the customer, care for the environment.

local Community

Participation in the cultural events of various organizations is manifested in the form of sponsorships to support events and local cultural actions.